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Thoughts on life, as we weave our way through it.

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Monday, January 18, 2010

What's in the stars?

February, 2007
With nothing to cook at home, my flatmate and I decided to go out for dinner, and trade stories about our recent India trips. The discussion veered to marriage and then onto a pretty controversial topic: astrology.

My flatmate and I take nothing at face value, and question things that we deem logic-defying at first glance. Astrology is something I especially love to pick holes in. But more on that later. Given my flatmate's disposition to disparage all superstitions I was surprised to learn that he was not too too hard on astrology, and whetted my appetite for an interesting discussion.

Initially he started with a cynical view of astrology, refusing to call it a science. But then again, he accepts he's young and doesn't understand everything in the world. So he's been willing to be proven wrong about astrology as well, rather than dismiss it as nonsense outright. Secondly, his approach to astrology is quite different from other people. As he sees it, there are some extreme variants of attitudes: people like me, who do not follow astrology at all, and others who only follow astrology. According to him there exists a compromise, where astrology can be used as a guide when you have multiple equivalent options with no tie-breaker. The example he gave was, say someone wants to choose a business to invest money. The person has narrowed down the options to diamond trading and fabrics. But is unable to figure out which one to go for. Such a person in the end is anyway going to go with a "gut" or instinct-based choice if not other comparator is available. In such cases, [he said] astrology could be the final comparator.

So really speaking, my flatmate suggested, astrology could be used to minimize the potential of risks when possible when no other guidelines are present to show you the way.

My immediate reaction was, a person who doesn't know what way to go needs to keep digging further. The perceived equivalence of options is always the outcome of ignorance. Case in point - the person in the example above, who was ignorant of the internals both trades. If that person would have spoken to some experienced people, he/she would have certainly received more insight which would have led to a more informed decision rather than gut based choices.

My mistrust in astrology stems from the flimsy foundations it is based upon. The so-called "science" uses a person's birth-date and time of birth to extrapolate all future incidents in his/her life. To me, a person starts life at the moment of conception - in the mother's womb. No one knows that time. Then, the definition of "birth" according to astrology itself seems flawed to me.

What if a child were born via C-Section, prematurely, say by 1 month. What birth time would you use? Would you add 1 month to get the baby's "expected" birth time and use that for astrological calculations?

The next issue is more fundamental: of the measurement of time. Astrology demands birth time be recorded down to the minute. But time as measured by humans is prone to error. And I am talking of two sets of humans: the ones who prepare the astrological charts for celestial bodies, and the ones who actually record the time of birth for a baby. There is huge potential for errors in both measurements. Nothing in nature changes suddenly. All changes are gradual. So why does it matter what exact minute you were born? What if the exit of a baby from the mother's body was accelerated by medications? To me, a one-year time resolution would have sounded more logical for astrological calculations, given that a baby already spends the first nine months of its life in the mother's body. But that's not the case.. and hence, my continued opposition to the use of astrology.

Lives and dreams are made and shattered each day by these innumerable gas giants, twinkling back innocently at us. If only they knew.. but how can they.. born from nothing and blazing away to nothingness, they don't know their own fate.

Update: October, 2014
Recently, I came across a point of view that if the Moon can cause tides, it can very well affect the human mind. Other celestial bodies may have a similar effect.
My thoughts on this:

  • Yes, the moon exerts a gravitational force on me and everyone else. However, that force does not depend on my Date and Time and Place of birth. The gravitational force is Equally exerted on everyone (and every object of matter) in my vicinity regardless of their birth situation. Gravity does not have precision-pointing. 
  • The brain works on glucose, electrical signals, hormones and chemical reactions - i.e. bio-chemistry. Gravity does not play a part. Otherwise, the astronauts who orbit earth or have landed on the moon in the past would be demented as soon as they ascended in their rocket. 
  • Humans being a highly evolved species, have brains and DNA which have adapted to handle gravity, atmospheric pressure and such environmental factors.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Dec 02, 2010
The one who cares knows how to worry
The one who guides knows what to do
The one who understands knows when to shut up

May 1, 2010
Potential is always more enticing than fact

Jan 28, 2010
Only those with fuel get a fire; the rest just have blunt stones and scarred fingers.

Jan 22, 2010
The mind never knows what the heart wants. What the mind wants, the heart doesn't care.

Jan 21, 2010
I could have done something productive with my time. Better judgement prevailed and I took a nap.

Jan 20, 2010
Experience is the brain telling the heart "i'm the boss"; courage is when the heart sticks its tongue out and goes "pffft.."
... Confusion is when both remain silent

Jan 19, 2010
When i refuse to give up, i'm Determined. When you do the same, you are just being stubborn.

Jan 18, 2010
The sober, enigmatic fellow always gets more respect than the cheerful down to earth chap - even if both reside in the same body.

Jan 17, 2010
Don't rest on your laurels. Laurels don't smell good if you sit on 'em

Jan 16, 2010
Stuff that you acquired easily is the stuff that will stay with you the longest..
[comment] eh? like easy money, you mean?!
[response] Well. Easy money is really a misnomer. :)
Back to the status.. flip it around - if you worked hard to acquire something, you need to work harder to keep/maintain it.
To begin with, things are easy for people who have a natural talent for them. For example, I needed to take a class to learn painting, MF Hussain didnt. MF Hussain may need a class to learn PHP, I didnt :)
One has to work hard on areas where one doesnt have natural abilities. So if abilities are acquired by training, they need to be in use or else we would forget our "training". Which means, any material or emotional possessions gained by using those "trained" abilities also may go away if you work less harder.... See More
It could be the shiny new car, N-pack abs, or the pretty girl next door accepting the date. Unless you got it easy, you better be prepared to slog harder to make it stay :)

Jan 15, 2010
The bliss of madness can be appreciated only after sanity becomes a burden.

Jan 15, 2010
Sanity is not appreciated unless madness is the norm.

Jan 12, 2010
A rolling stone acquires a well rounded character

Jan 11, 2010
Its better to declare ignorance than stay silent and remain dumb.

Jan 10, 2010
The bigger challenge is not getting on the bus you want, but to evade the one that everyone wants to shove you into.

Jan 09, 2010
Holding on too long leads to burnt fingers..

Jan 08, 2010
The fittest may survive more but the happiest live better.

Jan 07, 2010
Some people rest on their laurels just because they are tired by the time they get any..

Jan 05, 2010
Loyalty is a monkey that humans love to see on others' backs and shaken off their own.

Jan 04, 2010
Failed relationships are like amputated limbs; sometimes you feel pain in the part of you that no longer exists.

Jan 02, 2010
If it seems too good to be true, have fun while it lasts..

Dec 29, 2009
Failing at the impossible can be more satisfying than success with the mundane..

Dec 28, 2009
A misogynist is created by females who wont leave him in peace after leaving him in pieces..

Dec 27, 2009
Most people are somewhat worse than they like to think but also much better than the stereotypes they are jammed into by those around them...

Dec 21, 2009
Life is defined by the continuous struggle between the audacity of hope and the tenacity of despair..

Dec 20, 2009
People mired in the past get to admire the soles of those leaping over them into the future.

Dec 19, 2009
Life in the fast lane,
A heart shattered by pain,
The peaceful glide to the eventual waterfall..
Sums it up for those who've been there, done it all

Dec 18, 2009
Half the world's problems might be solved if people actually listen to what they hear.

Dec 17, 2009
Sometimes people love the feeling of being in love rather than the actual person; the former is rooted in self-centeredness and the latter in "giving"; this small difference probably separates a purely functional relationship from a happy one.

Dec 16, 2009
Men who offer a shoulder to cry on should invest in stain resistant suits.

Dec 15, 2009
A real hobby feels like an extra-marital affair; each time you guiltily conceal your passion and return to your routine, awaiting the next tryst.

Dec 13, 2009
Pride is the most underutilised energy source - ask any politician.

Dec 12, 2009
Any one needing patience training should become a Saree salesman for a week. Few can keep a straight face after seeing their work of many hours washed away and yet indulge the next whim.

Dec 08, 2009
Emotions are the masterstroke of evolution - putting those into humans is probaby its biggest mistake.

Dec 02, 2009
Main aur meri tanhai ,aksar yeh baatein karte hain .. Tum hoti to baatein karne hi nahi deti.

Nov 25, 2009
Probably a common prelude to a proposal. 'I like her.. I like her not.. Oh to hell with it- where's my vodka?'

Nov 20, 2009
One wonders why so many who claim to have 'settled down' seem so unsettled ...

Nov 19, 2009
Life in the fast lane is fun only on unpredictable roads

Nov 17, 2009
Memories are nothing more than sirens that lure fools into crashing against the rocks of times gone by.. and be sucked into whirlpools of times that could have been...

Nov 03, 2009
There are only two religions- bachelorhood and matrimony, with enough ardent, fanatical followers on both sides scouting for converts.

Nov 01, 2009
Cynics can neither love nor hate They're the happiest, i bet.

Oct 31, 2009
I want to be a man of few words and fewer actions

Oct 20, 2009
The romantic loves madness. The pragmatic gives it a wide berth. The cynic hosts a talk show and pokes fun at both.

Oct 16, 2009
One wonders if Donkeys Light Year is a bigger distance than a plain light year. And if so why dont astronomers use it.

Oct 07, 2009
Whoever coined the term 'falling in love' was just trying to warn everyone else.

All quotes 100% original. Until proven otherwise, they are copyrighted too.